I'll always remember the Bleachers being cold.
I'm not entirely sure why Ali asked me to write a guest spot on what is an already brilliant blog. I don't do much research on college football, and the snippets that I do bring up in conversation are often things I am repeating from his articles, as though I am clinging to stale bits of information like some Tom Buchanan.
I suppose there is only one reason he would ask me to write an article every now and then; he was tired of writing so often, and wanted someone to help him when he didn't feel like it. And so that's where I come in. I'm not nearly the sports expert that Ali is, and I never receive inside information; but I suppose I can piece together a few sentences about college football every now and then.
I remember the little things about college football games more than the big ones. I can remember the feel of the cold metal bleachers, in November 1999, when a fourth down play against Minnesota cost us a shot at a classic National Championship match-up against Bobby Bowden. I can remember everyone standing in the stadium too shell-shocked to leave afterwards.
I can remember sitting in my cold apartment during my senior year (we were too poor to turn the heat on), as the fire burned in the fire place, when an Iowa kicker punched me in the gut with a kick through the uprights. But I don't know much about the big things. I couldn't espouse theories on cover two's and which downs are most appropriate for screen passes (though, honestly Joe, second down every time made it kind of obvious).
But I can tell you a little something about the memories I have made while watching Penn State Football for the last two decades or so. I can tell you that Rob Bolden will be the greatest passer in the history of Penn State, as long as he doesn't get hurt, and we don't get those Philly people, like me, riding him all the time for a mediocre game against the best team in the country. I can tell you that Evan Royster will still run for 1000 yards this year, because Joe never makes his star Tail Backs run 25 times a game until Big Ten Season comes in full swing. I can tell you that this team will finish the season ranked, playing either a Big 12 opponent in San Antonio, or an SEC Team in Tampa. I can tell you this, because my memories and knowledge of Penn State Football tell me that this is the standard, and it's rare indeed when the standard isn't met.
I can also tell you that I know that the loss to Alabama didn't feel a thing like those other two losses I mentioned, and that's not because I don't care as much. It's because, when I watched this game, I watched the better team win. I don't mean that as a hater. I mean that as an honest assessment. Shoot, their second best running back would run for 2000 yards this year if he played for us. McElroy doesn't really do anything for me, but it's that fierce will to win that sets him apart as a player. And frankly, Nick Saban does such a good job getting his teams ready for football games that I'm amazed. Even if I still think he spells his surname incorrectly.
I love football, and I love this time of year, and I think the bulk of the team that lost last Saturday night will lead us through a season that steals our breath and whisks our imagination away on a magic carpet ride; but it won't be this year, I'm afraid. But isn't that what makes those great seasons so great? Watching, waiting and anticipating? So, let's not consider that loss to Alabama, a speed bump, but rather as a growing experience. It is one that we can look back on as the maturation point for so much of that team, like Stupar, Bolden, and that Tail Back who looks awesome.
But for now, dear friends, read these sentences with a grain of salt. And please forgive Ali for allowing me to write on his sacred and brilliant blog. And please remember this blog, when a 6'4, 20 year old with every Penn State Passing record, picks up a Crystal Football on the second Monday of January 2013.
I remember the cold bleachers, and the people standing there in shock. But onward State, and make us proud.
Awesome man, Everyone who has sent me a message loves it.