Not many people saw that one coming. Penn State, fielding their third string walk-on quarterback, got into a shootout with the number 2 offense in the country and won. Convincingly. The offense was hot for almost the entire game and the defense came up with big stops when it mattered most. Special teams was great, as it has been all year long.
I was at the game, and that was one of the most enjoyable, jubilant atmospheres I've ever experienced in Beaver Stadium. 4-3 record be darned, this crowd was behind Penn State from start to finish. The atmosphere was electric, the noise was positively deafening, and despite some big plays from Michigan, the crowd was never taken out of the game.
And to top it all off, there were forty (yes, 40!) prospective recruits in attendance from the classes of 2011 and 2012.
There'll be time for analysis later. I'll be back later on to talk about why I think this may be a key turning point in the season, and I'm sure Ali will pop in with his take shortly.
But for now, enjoy this win. It's a big one, and it feels great. In the true spirit of Michigan HATE, I now present to you some appropriately subtitled celebratory photos...

HAHA love those photos! Second-best football game OF. ALL. TIME.